Quick Time Virtual Reality Panorama of Stonehenge

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 You are about to view the first-ever 360-degree VR panorama taken at Stonehenge. What is more, it is taken from the centre of the interior which is normally closed to visitors.

Please be patient while this impressive sequence unfolds for you....

As you pan round, you will reach a point where you can look through the trilithon arches to the distant Heel Stone which was formerly called Friar's Heel.

'Friar's Heel' sounds like it may be a corruption of 'Freya's He-ol'. He-ol is old and modern Welsh for track or way, and the word may of course be much very ancient. Freya is the name of a British/Nordic Goddess. Did you know that when the Domesday Book was being prepared in the 11th century, Welsh Gaelic was still the dialect language of rural Wiltshiremen? Even today, traditional shepherds count their sheep using an archaic numbering system realted to a pre-Welsh language!

The Heel Stone or Friar's Heel is positioned alongside the Stonehenge Avenue----the He-ol. At sunrise on Midsummer Day the light from the sun shines right down the Avenue, past the Heel Stone, to the centre of Stonehenge whose internal stones are laid out in the form of the U-shaped womb of the Earth Mother. It is the marriage of Sun and Earth, of God and Goddess, of Sky Father and Earth Mother.

Then four minutes later the sun hides behind the Heel Stone, casting its male shadow upon the female Womb Stone inside the womb. The Womb Stone was wrongly named, years ago, the Altar Stone. The shadow effect completes the consummation of the Marriage of the Gods that the sun's light had begun.

This is what Stonehenge is all about: By means a visual drama between Sky Father and Earth Mother, a tribal farming community was reassured that the fertility of their fields, their livestock, and their women would be guaranteed for another year.


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Copyright The Megalithic Society (G-Tour-Pete Glastonbury.2000)
Last updated 12/07/00